I'M GabRielle!
I help artists improve their skills to achieve their creative goals and make art they love.
in the last 10 years as
an online art educator...
I've taught 100,000+ wonderful students.
(yes, i still pinch myself)
Ever since I was a little kid I would always have a sketchbook in hand... drawing everything from little fashion girls to my cat, to celebrities...anything and everything! I had a passion for art and I was always encouraged by others to keep practicing. So I did!
I dedicated myself to serious study, attending more workshops and classes than I can count. I’ve studied with professionals, riffled through countless art books, studied the masters, and I've learned from my mistakes and successes through practice. And with all this study and practice, I developed my skills.
But I still remember how it felt in the beginning...
Struggling with my art, I remember telling my mom, "When I get this, I'm going to teach everyone how to do it!" The struggle was real! I would get so frustrated with myself in my art because I just couldn’t figure out how to make things look real, how to shade, how to blend, which colors to use where, how to paint someone’s likeness, etc. etc. etc. the list went on! Because of this, I always knew I wanted to teach one day to help others through that struggle too.
When I get this, I'm going to teach everyone how to do it!
I didn't get the opportunity to until 2013 when I was approached by Skillshare to make an art class. I was hesitant at first, but I gave it a shot. Over 15 classes later, you may be able to tell I have a new passion!
I love teaching. My approach to teaching is: there are no secret tricks that I will hide from you! If there is something that I have felt has pushed me forward in my art, then you can be sure it will be shared in class and explained to the best of my ability.
In my classes, I try to get into the mind of the beginner. I try to remember how I felt when I was first starting out and all the struggles that came along with learning new ideas. From there, I build upon the basics, so as a more intermediate or advanced artist, you should still feel right at home in class.
I believe beauty is found in simplicity, so often I try to share basic fundamentals and principles that I believe help us in making more beautiful art.
The exciting thing is, I know I'll never be finished learning. So there's so much more to come. I’m so excited to learn more about art! And when I do, you can be sure I’ll share what I learn with you.

the formula to becoming
a great artist is simple
When you join any of my art courses, you'll find that I LOVE simplicity. I love simple steps. The formula for becoming a great artist is straightforward...

learN + pRactice + repeAt
I truly believe that anyone can learn to draw well. You don't have to have been born with natural drawing abilities. These skills can be sharpened through both learning and practice...
I'll tell you like my teacher told my mom at parent-teacher conferences when I was five...
“Gabrielle’s a very good student, but in art, she has trouble staying in the lines.”
Maybe I wasn’t blessed with the natural talent to stay within the lines in my coloring books. 😂 However, I know God blessed me with this...
A PASSION for art. If you love art and could spend your days making art and looking at art, color, lighting, all the things!! You have that passion.
& Passion is all you need to make the formula work.

I can't tell you about me without sharing with you the loves of my life. I'm thankful for my sweet, funny, generous husband Ian. My daughter, who is so smart, funny, and kind. And my son, who makes me laugh every day.

don't leave here empty-handed
Made Easy
Learn how to draw a cute female character in under 30 minutes.
My Top 17
These are the brushes I always reach for when painting in Procreate